A weekend of three days of perfect summer weather also brought a dry, clear and crisp evening for fireworks. A group went out to the Mercyhurst campus in North East and saw some beautiful ones. Here's one captured on film by our visiting sister from Korea.
Photo by Elia Lee, OSB
There were activities galore for the entire community all weekend. Every day there were DVD's in the community room; a group went out to the peninsula, toured the Tom Ridge Environmental Center and rode the new roller coaster; others spent time down at the lake; our golfers got in a couple rounds and many either visited family members or had them to the Mount for a meal and a good time. Sunday morning's liturgy was packed, both with familiar faces and out-of-towners just up for the holiday, I guess.
If you wonder why I tend to "gush" over the beautiful weather in the spring and summer--and everything that spins off of it--here is something of an explanation. These two photos are of the same area: the east end of our memory garden. That's a statue of St. Scholastica, which, of course, everyone mistakes for the Blessed Mother. After all, who has seen many statues of any other female saint!
One was taken in July, the other in February.
So if you come to visit--come in July!
Photos by Bernadette Sullivan, OSB
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