Thursday, August 12, 2010

One to One

A one-to-one correspondence in mathematics means that the elements in one set of things are perfectly paired up with the elements in another set of things. Unfortunately that is the exact way to describe the relationship between homicides in and around Erie and the months of the year 2010.

Tuesday we held a Take Back the Site prayer service for our 7th victim in seven months--a young 20-something gal, killed by her boyfriend. Very sad. Here are some shots of the prayer held in the driveway between the houses. And, I hate to add, we've already had #8 here in the eighth month of the year--prayer vigil coming in a couple weeks. Very, very sad times.

And now for a very exciting mini-announcement: Our community website is in the first stage of a major re-design. The first stage uses our present design and is adding updated material. This is a transition time you might say---while we work on a major new look. Don't go too deep into the site, just the News and Inspiration may be far enough, but at least you'll see some latest material and photos from us and our life here.

There is an update every few days. Hope you enjoy this "new beginning."

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