Monday, April 1, 2013

Happy Peepster

After four days of wonderful liturgical experiences, enough guests to last a month, music and creativity in every arena and our first big hospitality events in our new dining room/community room it didn't surprise me that our conversation Sunday night turned to that earth-shattering dilemma of every Easter: peeps.

So, do you like peeps? The yellow ones? pink? blue? green? purple? Do you like them soft and fresh out of the package or would you rather they harden for 2-3 days in the air...stale, as the sisters say here? We almost talked one of our sisters into writing the Peeps company and suggesting they sell some as soft/original and some as "crunchy"/stale!

The Washington Post actually held a Peeps contest recently to see what Peeps lovers could come up with to display their love of this marshmallow Easter specialty, but here's the one that caught my eye: Peeps conclave?

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