Monday, July 22, 2013

The girls in our garden

Quite a weekend as a film crew from Paris arrived to tape our Morning Praise, opening of Sunday liturgy and conduct many interviews. Sister Joan Chittister was the primary feature, but many of our sisters ended up on camera. They came as part of a 90-minute documentary their company, Point du Jour, is making on religious life for women around the world. They were in the Congo last month, plan to go to a community in both South America and Asia and we were the U.S. representative.

Great fun, but also quite exhausting. Anyone that thinks filming is easy has never been a part of the set up, lighting and audio concerns and the time table, which at most, is only a suggestion!

We are grateful for the opportunity to represent women religious in this country and I hope to be able to announce a link to the finished project when it is ready. Meanwhile brush up on your high school French or find a friend who can translate for I'm sure that will be the language of the final version.

Our Lady of the Streets amidst summer daisies.

Abbess Scholastica in her rose garden.

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