Monday, September 23, 2013

What to do on the first day of fall

What did you do on the first "official" day of fall? I did a very appropriate thing: took a Sunday drive east into New York State for about an hour, then turned around and took a different route home. Autumn scenes everywhere--between fields of ripe grapes and pumpkins and roadside stand after roadside stand selling apples and gourds and mums and everything that's already been harvested. It really was a Norman Rockwell-ish experience.

Here are some of the shots I caught:

Country display of pumpkins.

Gourds for sale.

The Dunkirk, NY lighthouse--with a very large attached house.

Small town America is alive and well--a parking meter in our neighboring town.

On a more spiritual note, we had a marvelous homily Sunday on that perplexing parable about the shifty steward. The bottom line? The shifty master commended his steward for acting as he will our God commend us for following God's ways of compassion, forgiveness, mercy and love.

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