Monday, June 23, 2014


This weekend I had a mini-adventure. It is in the bucket list category, but not exactly

Growing up I remember my Dad talking about driving to Cleveland or Pittsburgh before interstates I-90 and I-79 were built. He'd mention one of our state routes that they traveled and how much longer it took. I remember those stories and often said to myself, "I'd really like to do that some day," but expediency always wins out---until this weekend.

I traveled to the east side of Cleveland on Saturday via I-90; mileage 90 miles, time 100 minutes. Then when I knew I didn't have to be home right away I realized that it was now or never. I got on Rte 20 and came all the way back to Erie. Mileage: 90 miles, time 150 minutes! But I loved it, I felt like I was traveling with Charles Kurault on one of his CBS "On the Road" shows through America. My goodness, small town after small town. Walmart and Dairy Queens, and small malls on the edge of every one of them; three blocks of 100-year old red brick buildings defining each downtown and homes along Main Street with large wrap-around porches; 4H clubbers and cheerleaders with black magic marker signs announcing car washes and small businesses like Mike's Mowers and the Dew Drop In Diner in each. When I reached the outskirts of Erie I thought I was coming into New York City!

After awhile I started hanging out the window at red lights (and there were plenty of them)and caught some of the Americana. Thanks, Dad, it was just wonderful

In the midst of our weekend, summer arrived (officially) and leave it to one of our talented "environmental artists" to bring summer indoors for our weekend liturgies! Thanks Sister Helen

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