Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Houston- a cardinal that wowed us

We're in Houston for the annual LCWR assembly-- 800+ strong. Second only to the heat-- it's been over 100 every day we've been here, the Catholic leader of the Galveston-Houston diocese welcomed us Tuesday night and what a delightful surprise. He was low key, sincerely welcoming, informative and interesting on his large and quickly growing diocese ( 27 new churches in the last 5 years) and very funny. Additionally he was dressed in regular priest black and could pass for anyone's favorite uncle.

I say to people all the time that we have a great bishop in Erie-- as we do. Now I'm glad to know that some other dioceses do, too. Is it too early to think that the "Francis effect " is kicking in?

See the NCR site for coverage of this assembly. They usually cover it.

Also, if you haven't seen the delightful pictorial reviews of some of our LLL events, enjoy them at

In the Houston Aquarium, a great visit for us before the actual LCWR assembly began, they also have a white tiger which was just fascinating to see.

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