Thursday, May 5, 2016

Mid-morning break

After a couple of hours of some pretty concentrated desk work, I stood up and took a needed mid-morning break yesterday and look what I found. The temperature had gone up enough for some outdoor playtime. The shouting and yelling, giggling and laughing that came from the playground behind our building lured me to an open window.

Click to enlarge.

I know there are probably many good pre-schools in our area, but ours just has to be one of the best. The newborns to 5-year-olds are always laughing and enjoying whatever activity I encounter as I trudge up and down the four flights of stairs to our offices, located above their classrooms. Ditto for the teachers and aides at St. Benedict Child Development Center--they are always smiley, calmly directing or interacting with their children every single day.

And yet another sign of spring: Recess outdoors!

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