Sunday, August 19, 2018

Late August

The signs of late August are all around us this weekend: photos of freshmen moving into their dorm rooms (highlighted by two newly built dorms at local colleges) fill our papers; one of our sisters who teaches in a local university is getting set for her first days of classes this coming week; our flowers are either dying away or on their sure-to-be last days of blooming; the apples in our small orchard are getting pretty big, ditto for the grapes in the miles of surrounding fields--some have even just begun to turn light purple. And, two large families of three of our sisters came this weekend for family get-togethers before the summer weeks end.

In spring the national arbor foundation promised to send out saplings for a certain donation level. One of our oblates did donate and gave us the dozen saplings she received. I planted them as best I could (they all looked like bare twigs at the beginning!) and much to my surprise, about 1/2 of them are showing signs of "making it." I've been looking into winter/snow/deer protection for the coming months and I've found some options. After vacation I'm going to have to visit our local Stan's Garden Center and see what they recommend for survival over the long and cold winter days! Meanwhile, I just keep watching them grow and grow.

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