Sunday, October 24, 2021

The Power of 3

 Our guest list is appearing more and more like its old self every week. The weekends bring the most guests, of course, but there are always day-trippers and weeklong visitors. This week we had four women who were all related to one of our sisters or are close friends. It was a kind of family reunion. They were delightful and fully entered into the daily life here, even participating in the cut-throat card games most nights (just kidding!)

But one evening praise took the cake for the week. Coming into chapel for Evening Prayer I noticed three guys sitting together in a back row. They looked like they could be Methodist ministers (we've had them many times) or something akin to that. Sure enough when the opening hymn began it was one they obviously knew well and they entered into the singing in full voice. That's when I was reminded of the power of just a few men who are good singers, as you often see in choirs. There were over 40 of us and only 3 of them, but they balanced us just fine!

When it came to the chant tones and the Magnificate we didn't hear them at an equal volume, but I'm guessing that if they are here two or three days, they'll catch on pretty quickly to the melodies and we'll have that mixed choir experience again. It was really great. 

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