Sunday, December 5, 2021

Jhumpa Lahiri

I've stumbled onto a new author, for me, and I am enamored of her writing--both style and content. I first read one of her more recent books of short 2-3 page stories, but now I found her Pulitzer Prize winning book, interpreter of maladies, and can't put it down. You have to put it down, however, as it is composed of 5-6 page stories and you have to read them separately and let each one stand and "speak" on its own for a time.

What a talent she has for framing the simplicities and regular moments of everyday life into strong and deep reflections for the reader. At least that's how I'd try to explain her style! She either is an outstanding observer of life or such a gifted writer that she can pair the perfect words with the experiences of characters. 

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