Sunday, January 23, 2022

Reading, reading, reading

 If you need to remember our storm last Monday, read the last post! So, the whole week continued in this vein: not much more snow, but the winter cold was something--every morning the temp was something like 10 or 15---cold! My ministry car takes about 3 miles, until I get to the former GE plant, to even begin to give me something warmer than cold air through the heater and fan. 

Things were taking a nice turn until this afternoon. From noon on we got one of those snows that makes us feel as if we are living in a snow globe. It was light and fluffy and absolutely beautiful. Here's my resident male cardinal that I caught right in the middle of the snow eating at my window feeder. We have birds everywhere eating the food we put out. Fun to watch throughout the day.

Of course this brings me to talk about one of our favorite cold, wintery hobbies: everyone is reading. 

My latest was one of those James Patterson mysteries, this one with a clever twist. It takes place in 2080 in a very Hunger Games type New York City. Lamont Cranston soon appears on the scene, the 1930s fictional figure The Shadow, also the name of the book. It got some real panning on amazon reviews, but since I didn't really know the radio show from the era, I enjoyed the light, easy read of it. When people can make themselves invisible to fight the bad guys, that's enough for me on a cold, wintery evening!

On the more literate side, I recommended one of John Hart's magnificent novels to one of my friends this weekend. I told her to get ready to read some really great writing. I think the one she started was Down River.

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