Monday, September 16, 2024

8:00 am

I drove into work a little later one day this week and because of that 1/2 hour difference I was behind a school bus in the township where I live. It stopped four times in front of me and each time I witnessed a parent, one man and three women, sending their elementary children off for the day. 

Waves and kisses accompanied each child. It was so Norman Rockwell-ish and warmed my heart quite a bit, a hopeful sign to balance the non-hopeful things I've witnessed recently in our national political scenes.

If children can start their days like this, maybe there is hope that with basic love and kindness in the world goodness and care for each other will prevail.

Monday, September 9, 2024

This week


Here's one of the nicest photos of our North Windows, from the outside, that I've seen. Everything has to be perfectly right to catch this scene: inside lights all on and  a clear night outside...and one night this week it happened. Thanks to my friend Cheryl for catching this.

Vice-presidential candidate Tim Walz was in Erie last week, too. It was a perfect late summer day here and his presentation was right on the Bayfront at Liberty Park. A number of our sisters attended and they said that he raved about the venue: the water, the boats, the view of the Peninsula and the couple thousand people who turned out to hear him.

Pennsylvania and Erie County are labeled as purple states--sometimes going Republican and sometimes Democratic. The city is almost always Democratic, but the rest of the county sways back and forth. Will be interesting to see in a couple months how we, as one of the 6-7 swing states, go.

MSNBC featured Liz Cheney all weekend because of her recent political statements. Liz will be here in Erie October 17 at the Warner Theater. Should be a terrific time, just 3 weeks before the elections.

Monday, September 2, 2024

Hard to see now


Now that summer is shifting into September, here are three local scenes that I probably won't be seeing much more, if at all, until summer 2025. This is the little "village" of Ferncliffe--originally fishing cabins, now homes right on the water. Last month I saw that one was for sale, a rarity. 
I wonder how much they asked for it.

Here's a sunset from a boat on the bay...beautiful experience. 

Have you noticed the set of stamps of lighthouses ? Well, surprise, one of them is ours, this one on the North Pier of Presque Isle. The stamp doesn't have the ship Niagara in the background as this photo does, but otherwise it looks just like this. 
Watch your mail, maybe you'll get one some day.