Thursday, June 2, 2011

A "Happening"

When I was growing up my mother and dad had this wonderful friend: Sally, who was just eccentric enough to seem delightfully different from all their other friends. One of Sally's greatest lines, whenever she had an experience that the rest of us might say was "interesting," was to announce, "I had a happening"! I have adopted that in my life now, shared it with friends and keep the memory of Sally alive through it!
LTSGW is late today....because I had a happening!

I was just going about my "normal" life Tuesday evening, experiencing what I thought was a slight stomach ache or passing gas (you know the feeling!)...flash forward 12 hours to Wednesday morning, same feeling, but too strange, so we chose a trip to the ER at Saint Vincent Health Center by noon. Flash forward 24 more hours to noon today and I've been out and back home with a laparoscopic appendectomy!

What's going on at the Mount? Who knows? I was busy "having a happening"--Sally would be so proud.

Memorial Day dawned warm and sunny. Spent some time at our Presque Isle State Park with the amazingly tame geese and their goslings and then back to the Mount for a great hamburgers and hot dogs picnic. Fun, fun for sisters and guests!

On our community website: nice Letter to the Editor of our local newspaper from Fr. Jim Gutting, local pastor and supporter of all our endeavors.

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