Monday, June 13, 2011

Small town girl in the big city

Just back from a great time in Detroit, Michigan, just 275 miles from the Mount. We attended the final day of the American Catholic Council an organization of groups promoting the tenets of the Vatican Council II--which opened 50 years ago this coming year.

Our Joan Chittister was one of the keynote speakers and brought hope and inspiration to the 2,000 attendees with her presentation titled, "Good Event, Bad Event--Who knows?" She used scripture stories, contemporary tales, and a summary of the major documents of the Council to urge these faithful and long-standing proponents of the Spirit of this Council and Pope John XXIII, to carry on, as "seeds that may or may never see the flower."

Detroit was a major underground railroad site during the days of slavery. Many moved on to Canada after arriving in Detroit--some came back after abolition.

This sign was translated into Spanish and Arabic.

A large park is right downtown. Mostly large cement areas with huge metal art pieces. Beautiful in its own way, I suppose, but give me more grass, flowers and average scale art any day!

A gigantic ferry boat, the Detroit Princess, was docked right by the convention center. That's Canada in the background, right across the Detroit River. The bridge is one of many over to it.

Here's Sister Joan (sorry for the fuzziness) on the large stage area giving her presentation. DVD will be available from either the ACC or Benetvision soon.

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