Thursday, September 6, 2012

Haunts, cont'd

Back on April 16th I started what I thought was going to be a little series, Benedictine haunts. I just wanted to show some readers who don't live in Erie or maybe have never even been to Erie, what some of the places that we frequent are like. It didn't get very far, I only had three: April 16, May 14 and June 11. But, here's the fourth and very appropriate as the summer days are winding down. The Lawrence Park (walk-up only) Dairy Queen. Do you still have one of these in your town? I think this is our last one, complete with the unique Dairy Queen vanilla ice cream cone on top.

It is a goldmine. The lines, one at each window, are long and steady all summer and it is very common, around 7:30 pm most nights, to see a Benedictine in one of them--getting treats for those in the nearby car. May your September be as mild and summer-like as the first week of ours has been.

We have to have set some sort of record lately: in the ten days beginning August 25 and ending September 3, we were on the front page of the A or B section of our local paper three times--either as the only feature or as part of the feature story! They are all linked on our homepage and the online version of the stories have many media features that the newspaper didn't carry. We are fortunate to have such a supportive newspaper: staff and owners. They really care about the non-profits and spirituality groups of our area. There are numerous stories and coverage of these organizations and their good works throughout the year.

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