Monday, November 7, 2016

Voting in the USA

We've taken a page out of Norman Rockwell's America every year when it comes to our local polling place: an all-American fire hall--The Fairfield Hose Co, an all-volunteer group of men and women who service a large swath of lake shore properties here in northern Harborcreek Township. Here is what it looked like at 7:15 am eight years ago, when we stopped to vote on our way to work--a line that extend well into the parking lot, maybe 50-60 ahead of us when we arrived! This year I expect as much, if not more.

The Norman Rockwell part of the scene is connected in part to the bake sale by the Fairfield Auxiliary that is set up right inside the doorway and tempts you with delicious smells and displays of cookies, brownies and more, as you move up one place at a time, past the baked goods tables.

Another Rockwell piece might be the fact that the people seem to know many of the "locals" by sight. They particularly greet us with "Good Morning, Sister," and then attempt to remember our family name before we tell them. I'd guess that about 40-45, of the 65 that live at the monastery, travel to Fairfield to vote. Another dozen probably vote by absentee ballot and some are past voting ability. I, myself,even recognize the voting workers! The same men and women have been there volunteering for years, too.

November 2008

One of the many issues (in a campaign that seemed more about personalities than policy) was the Supreme Court and the nominees for its judges. On our What Sisters/Oblates Read page of our community website, we have two reviews of the book Sisters In Law, a great read about the first two female judges, Sandra Day O'Connor and Ruth Bader Ginsburg. I think after reading both reviews you'll rush to your local library or and get a copy. Our reviewers both give it two thumbs up!

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