Sunday, December 25, 2016

Christmas scenes

On our community website you'll find a number of excellent entries on our Christmas events and celebrations. As a supplement to them I'm adding these four "scenes" that I came upon over the weekend which contributed to my own Christmas joy and gratitude. And then, add in the excellent homily given by our Christmas celebrant who spoke on this being "the feast of vulnerability" (as he contrasted the standard cultural meaning of the word vs. the vulnerability of Jesus and his life and message) and it made for a very special holiday.

"Our" herd of deer are coming quite close to the monastery these days. In fact, this trio  was very near as I  caught them right outside the north-east door.

The Winter King Hawthorn in the backyard is wild with berries right now. Hopefully the birds find them edible!

The Advent wreath turns into a Christmas centerpiece for the next three weeks.

Our handbell choir played this weekend and will be playing for New Year's and Epiphany, too.

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