Sunday, January 28, 2018

January "thaw"

January "thaw" is a kind of misnomer. The temperatures may get into the 50s, as they did this weekend and we can see grass and bushes again, but nothing is really singing "spring" yet! I took a walk around our grounds, including all the way down to the lake and, although I wish otherwise, this is just a temporary break....more winter is surely to come. Now if it was March 28th...that would be a different song to be sung!

Here is St. Scholastica (abbess, as the crozier attests) with her faithful ceramic bunny that someone added to the scene.

These two photos show the breakup of the ice right at the shoreline of Lake Erie on our property. There is such a large, large expanse and it really looks c-o-l-d!

PS. We had a lovely ceremony this weekend at Evening Praise. Our resident postulant became a novice and began her year of novitiate study and full immersion into the community. Her three sisters from out of town came for the short but meaningful event and with another sister who is already a member of the community, it brings to five the pairs of blood sisters we now have. Sr. Jean Lavin, who passed away last week, was one of a sixth pair, as she and her sister died just 11 months apart.

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