Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Life well-lived

The rituals that we hold for our sisters when they die are simple, elegant, poignant and beautiful.

This week's for Sister Jean Lavin were as personal and memorable as ever. When you read her obit, here, you can easily see that she had three distinct "ministerial lives": musician, teacher, spiritual guide. What a talent and what a dedicated woman! The memory service for our sisters is perhaps my favorite of all the rites we hold. Because I learn, through stories and anecdotes about the sisters whom I only knew in their last years. A close second to the memory service, however, is the "display" that one of our talented members puts together for family, community members and friends to help them "remember."

Here are two photos of just part of Sister Jean's display. If you click on them they will enlarge and with a sharp eye, and a magnifying glass, yes, you may see Ed Sullivan--TV personality and host from the 1950s-60s. And the nun in the original habit? Herself, having just directed a chorus of Erie OSBs on his show. What a life!

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