I admit that I staged this photo a little bit! Well, not really staged it, more cleaned up the closet that you see when you open this door. This used to be the storage area for the holiday decorations used by our sister who ran our Good Grooming room. Door wreathes were hung all over the walls and other paraphernalia filled the space, shared by a vacuum cleaner, complete with multiple attachments.
These days the closet has been taken over by two bird lovers, who tend to a combination of 6 bird feeders in the winter and summer--just different kinds. Luckily my friend's mother works in a garden center, what luck! and she often visits bringing us the cast off or torn open bags that give us a more than steady supply for the many birds that winter-over in Erie.
I especially enjoy the variety of woodpeckers that come out only in the winter. Right up to the feeders they come, chipping away, primarily at the suet bars. Even the cardinals, male and female, come close these months, yet in summer we only see them from afar. The males are truly Norman-Rockwell-ish on the snowy trees.
A year ago we expanded our feeders by adding two in the inner courtyard so that the winter birds could be seen by more sisters. (Truth be told, I was feeling very guilty that we were the only ones getting to enjoy them, as the feeders were right outside our rooms.)
So this closed door continues to hold valuable things, just a different kind. And, yes, I moved the vacuum cleaner and attachments out to get you this shot!
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