Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Spinning off

From September through December 2013 I ran a series here called "Nooks and Crannies." In it I shared a dozen nooks and crannies around Mount St. Benedict that I thought even our most frequent visitors probably miss. It was a lot of fun, especially for those frequent visitors who fessed up that they saw many things for the first time from this grouping.

Then in 2015, from March-August, there were 20 entrees in a series titled "Seldom Seen." Again, I was sharing some behind-the-scenes things from our life that aren't on the first page of most known places.

Now I'm going to start a similar sharing, at least to get us through the rest of February. But today, here are two from 2013 and 2015. Enjoy!

They started out as possible "pets" for our sisters in the infirmary. They are extremely beautiful and cute... but they didn't last too long there. They did learn to talk a little. From what I heard they could say "Be quiet" quite clearly! Now they are in a more private area and doing well--no shhhing needed.

If you've visited our place you may have seen this nook and cranny or you've walked right by it but haven't really seen it. It's tucked away in the corner of a stairway landing, next to a door leading out to our memory garden area. It has good enough light and a steady temperature in both summer and winter to make it an ideal place for keeping many plants healthy and ready for use, especially for the environment in chapel. It is a unique corner, almost a crack in the stairwell.

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