Wednesday, January 27, 2021

In the side door

Instead of using the East Lake Rd entrance, you can sneak in off of Troupe Rd. At that side entrance is a lovely old marble sign but because it's not too tall it often gets partially or completely hidden by the latest snowstorm. In many ways that doesn't matter all that much now as we haven't had visitors, overnight guests or even friends, family or oblates for so many months. It just doesn't "feel" right, as we are a community that greatly values and fosters hospitality. 

On the other hand, this pandemic is teaching its own lessons, ones I for one never gave a thought to when all was humming along "normally." And one of those is the gift of friends and family--and I mean actually being with them physically, not virtually. I think of grandparents and their young grandchildren out of state, prisoners and their families losing their already limited visiting privileges, school aged children missing their friends and the learning of important concepts of socializing and getting along with others, and the people who already lived singly, now without their daily interactions in their communities. So many of us are really longing for the vaccine to spread enough around the country and the world, that we can be with each other again. 

It will come. Meanwhile, be well, help others. Thanks for tuning in to us--online.

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