Sunday, March 7, 2021


When it comes to COVID-19 testing, being negative is a good thing, not a bad thing! The community has tested negative numerous times now, along with receiving two doses of the vaccine "into our arms," as Dr. Anthony Fauci and the other experts say. All of that has led to a resumption of some normal activities over the past week. One of them is the re-assembling of the chapel, along with a return to our regular chapel seats. This has enhanced our prayer--both chanting the psalms and our singing--greatly. Another much-appreciated easing up is our ability to gather together in the common rooms of the Mount for fun, meals, snacks, projects and anything else that brings a number of us together. 

To that end I have been waiting for weeks to share one of my Christmas gifts--a unique jigsaw puzzle. Here it is in its box as well as with an accompanying picture of what it's suppose to look like when finished. What's unique about it? It's not rectangular. The owl has its natural borders!

We have a designated table in the community room for such activities. It will be going there this week. I hope it brings a lot of fun to the solvers.

1 comment:

  1. I love both owls and puzzles! Wish I could come help. Thanks for sharing! Blessings of peace and continued health to all in your Benedictine home!
