Monday, July 29, 2024

def: Pillar

 "A supporting, integral or upstanding member or part." Thus says my Merriam-Webster Dictionary and thus was our Sister Miriam Mashank.....truly a pillar. See her obit and prayer card here.

I an always showing you all the beautiful and lovely parts of Erie, our lake and surrounding areas, so in the interest of fairness I should show you some of the more, well I should say, not overly attractive attractions, too!  

Here is part of our resident turkey raptor--they can be called a flock, but isn't this unusual word better! They are very common around here, especially close to the lake, where they congregate on the Peninsula and surrounding shorelines. We have them in our own woods, but this "flock" is near a friend's apartment complex, right on a bluff overlooking Presque Isle Bay. Ugly things...but oh so delicious!

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