Monday, July 22, 2024


 OMG, Anne Lamott has a new book, Somehow, and I just got it. She is one of my favorite writers: great spirituality, creative writing, laugh-right-out-loud humor, and a healthy dose of irreverence in between beautiful reflections.

Here's the back cover:

"One day at a time, and somehow one hour at a time, love will be enough to see us through, get us back on our feet and dust us off. Love gives us a shot at being the person we were born to be." Anne Lamott

A summer outdoor concert by Key West Express, a Jimmy Buffet-type group,
 seen here in a gazebo in the small town right next to ours, Lawrence Park. 
Very Norman Rockwell-ish.

                                          A mushroom in our front yard, just missed stepping on it.                                               I think the red coloring must have caught my eye.

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