Sunday, May 3, 2020

Sister Nancy Drew

I've gotten involved in archival work over the last few years...amateur, of course, but learning as I go. I like the organizational part of it and the making of endless lists of like things, checking the dates, getting the facts right. But the part that I've really come to love is the "Nancy Drew" moments...the finding of things we had no idea we had or even existed. It's such a "rush" to come upon them. Nancy Drew, girl detective. Or in this case Sister Nancy Drew, nun detective!

This weekend we were walking out the main entrance of the monastery and in turning left I noticed that the flowers in front of our main sign were beautiful, so I grabbed my camera and said, "I have to go over and take a photo of the sign." Six photos later--look what I found. A Nancy Drew moment!

Here's the east side of the sign. Beautiful.

But, upon closer inspection, hiding behind the overgrown
bushes...a lovely PEACE sign!

So I ran over to the west side.

Sure enough, moving in closer, there's its PEACE sign.

Now I was suspicious. Here's the north and lo and behold
the Nuclear Free Zone sign! I hadn't seen it
for years...almost totally wrapped up in a huge bush.

But, the best was yet to come--the south side.
I knew there was a small door to get inside and underneath.
I think it holds utility connections coming from the street
to the Mount. But what's that beside it?
A dedication plaque! Thanking ten donors for the funds
to erect the sign on this out building. I didn't recognize all of
the names, but most are the same as one of our sisters:
Staub, Hoover, Shaw, Paultis, Meahl, Schierberl, Maher.

1 comment:

  1. What fun! Thanks for sharing. I'll be looking for all of this when I can return for a Mount visit! :-)
