Sunday, May 7, 2023

Black, orange and ruby-throated

This weekend, due to beautiful spring weather, I spent a bit of time in our inner courtyard garden. There is always weeding of course, but this summer I'm really going to see if more hummingbirds can be enticed into visiting the garden. Ditto for Baltimore Orioles.

The Baltimore Oriole  feeder, see above, has two little cups for grape jelly and two metal posts for orange sections. At least that's what our late Sr. Mary Margaret Kraus used and they worked. She had orioles in the garden all the time. I didn't have much success last year, but I'm going to give it a really serious, check-it-and renew-it-every-day attempt this summer!

Ditto for hummingbirds there. I get them visiting my bedroom window feeder every summer, but that's on the other side of the monastery, in a more remote section than this courtyard. But I put up two window feeders, one near the front foyer's door and one at the side double doors. Both of them have nearby bushes, which they say is important for these skittish birds to "escape to" when they detect movement. So here's hoping. Both the orioles and the "hummers" will make wonderful viewing for our sisters as they pass by.


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