Sunday, October 22, 2023

Autumn scenes


Five or six of our sisters hail from the Philadelphia area--or at least close enough to have grown up in the midst of a Phillies, Eagles, 76-er fan base and the city-wide craziness when one of their local teams makes it to an end-of-the-season playoff spot. This week is a bonanza for them, and for us, as the Phillies are in the final series for a spot in the World Series next week and the Eagles are at the top of their division in the national football we've been enjoying both of these teams and the fun and excitement of their games. 

This week our trees reached their peak and we are in a yellow, orange and red world, especially when the sun is bright. Here's a box of gourds at a local fruit and vegetable stand--yellow, orange and green, too. 

A humorous, personal aside: this month has brought me a new intimacy with needles from the medical world. I've had three vaccines: RSV, Covid and flu, and given blood once. Talk about the proverbial pin cushion!  

Finally, a couple of weeks ago when we finished the Astrid series on PBS, we couldn't imagine that we'd get another series that even came close to our liking as that outstanding series did. Were we surprised when we found another that is just terrific and comes surprisingly close to the acting and creative and engaging story line of the first one. This is Professor T and if you haven't tried it, do. It's great.

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