Sunday, October 30, 2022


Years ago I fell under the spell of our chapel windows like so many others have. And under that spell I  have taken a number of photos of them that I love:

This is the first one that I ever took and it has been sold as a card in Chapter 57, used for a jubilee program, and bought as a print by many people. My friend Vena saw it one Saturday morning in early December and called me from my dining room vacuuming charge to catch it. I will always be grateful to her.

Since then I have tried to captured them: on the ceramic floor,

On the handbells and their Pyrex music stands.

And my own favorite, in the candle stands for Easter.

More recently I caught a picture of the small chapel's windows, which are a totally different design than the large ones in the main chapel. They include the saying "Let nothing be preferred to the work of God" and have three large inlaid crosses.

But I never thought there were still ones out there to be found, until this weekend.

My friend was walking through the inner courtyard garden, that we use as a short cut from the front door to the dining room. It was well after dark and because we had quite a number of guests this weekend, there must have been someone in the small chapel who had the lights on. Here is what she saw and I ran out to capture it: the small chapel's three windows, from the outside, at night. WOW!

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